
Monday, April 8, 2013

Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery!

Photo: Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery!

Celery has always been associated with the lowering of blood pressure. When combined with other alkalizing green juices, it provides different formula that helps other acidic conditions. 
Recent studies have shown that celery might also be effective in combating the acids that cause cancer.

Some of the alkalizing health benefits of celery juice:

Acidity: The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the body's blood pH, neutralizing acidity.

Athletes: Celery juice acts as the perfect post-workout tonic as it replaces lost electrolytes and rehydrates the body with its rich alkalizing minerals.

Cancer: Celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer or anti-acid compounds. dr.sharib azmi Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic which block the action of prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor cells. And coumarins which help buffers dietary and metabolic acids from damaging cells.

Cholesterol: This humble pale juice has been shown to effectively and significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol by lowering dietary and metabolic acids.

Colon and stomach cancer: The phytochemical coumarins prevent the formation and development of the colon and stomach cancers.

Constipation: The natural laxative effect of celery helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives.

Cooling: During dry and hot weather, drink a glass of celery juice two or three times a day, between meals. It wonderfully helps to normalize body temperature by reducing dietary and metabolic acids.

Diuretic: The potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it an important help to rid the body of excess acidic fluid.

Inflammation: The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all the acids that cause inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,gout, asthma and bronchitis.

Kidney function: Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney function by aiding elimination of acidic toxins from the body. While eliminating acidic toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.

Lower blood pressure: Drinking celery juice every day for a week significantly helps lower blood pressure by lowering dietary and metabolic acids. A compound called phtalides help relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for three weeks, and start over.

Nervous system: The organic alkaline minerals in celery juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a wonderful drink for insomniacs.

Weight loss: Drink celery juice frequently throughout the day. It helps curb your cravings for sweets and rich food.

Urinary stones, breaking of: The diuretic effect of celery juice also aids the breaking and elimination of acidic urinary and gallbladder stones.

You can expect many more healing benefits from celery juice as you consume its natural alkalizing sodium. has always been associated with the lowering of blood pressure. When combined with other alkalizing green juices, it provides different formula that helps other acidic conditions. 
Recent studies have shown that celery might also be effective in combating the acids that cause cancer.

Some of the alkalizing health benefits of celery juice:

Acidity: The important minerals in this magical juice effectively balance the body's blood pH, neutralizing acidity.

Athletes: Celery juice acts as the perfect post-workout tonic as it replaces lost electrolytes and rehydrates the body with its rich alkalizing minerals.

Cancer: Celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer or anti-acid compounds. dr.sharib azmi Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic which block the action of prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor cells. And coumarins which help buffers dietary and metabolic acids from damaging cells.

Human Brain Analysis :- Man vs. Woman......!!


Human Brain Analysis :-

Man vs. Woman......!!

Women - Multiple process
Women's brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.
Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook.
Men - Single Process
Men's brains designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.

Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 year old boy.

Men's brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.

While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fast as possible. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.

When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Woman's super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Men's brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.
So guys, do not lie face to face.

If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.

Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...

If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.

Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.

Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking.1. MULTITASKING:
Women - Multiple process
Women's brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.
Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook.
Men - Single Process
Men's brains designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.

Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 year old boy.

Men's brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.

While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fast as possible. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.

When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Woman's super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Men's brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.
So guys, do not lie face to face.

If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.

Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...

If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.

Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.

Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking.



This MIRACLE DRINK has been circulating for a long time long
ago.It is worth your while to take note. There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it. He wants to make it public to draw the
attention of people who have cancers. This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth! Mr. Seto had lung cancer.

He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China. He has taken this drink diligently for 3 months and now his health is restored,and he is ready to take a pleasure trip. Thanks to this drink! It does not hurt for you to try.

It is like a Miracle Drink! It is simple.

You need one beet root, onecarrot and one apple that
combine together to make the JUICE! Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and
immediately you drink the juice.

You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.
This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:

1. Prevent cancer cells to develop.It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney,pancreas diseaseand it can cure ulcer
as well.
3. Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and high blood
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation.Therefore it will make skin healthy & LOOK more radiant.It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.

There is absolutely no side effect. Highly nutritious and easily
absorbed.Very effective if you need to loose weight.You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine.

Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for
best effect.

PLEASE SHARE TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.This MIRACLE DRINK has been circulating for a long time long
ago.It is worth your while to take note. There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it. He wants to make it public to draw the
attention of people who have cancers. This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth! Mr. Seto had lung cancer.

He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China. He has taken this drink diligently for 3 months and now his health is restored,and he is ready to take a pleasure trip. Thanks to this drink! It does not hurt for you to try.

It is like a Miracle Drink! It is simple.

You need one beet root, onecarrot and one apple that
combine together to make the JUICE! Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and
immediately you drink the juice.

You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.
This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:

1. Prevent cancer cells to develop.It will restrain cancer cells to grow.
2. Prevent liver, kidney,pancreas diseaseand it can cure ulcer
as well.
3. Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and high blood
4. Strengthen the immune system
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes
6. Help to eliminate pain from physical training, muscle ache
7. Detoxify, assist bowel movement, eliminate constipation.Therefore it will make skin healthy & LOOK more radiant.It is God sent for acne problem.
8. Improve bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection,
10. Assist Hay Fever Sufferer from Hay Fever attack.

There is absolutely no side effect. Highly nutritious and easily
absorbed.Very effective if you need to loose weight.You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine.

Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for
best effect.

Ten Tips To Help You Control Your High Blood Pressure~

Photo: Ten Tips To Help You Control Your High Blood Pressure~

1. Make sure your blood pressure is under 140/90 mm Hg. If your systolic pressure (the top number) is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.

2. Take your high blood pressure medicine, if prescribed, every day. If you have questions, talk to your doctor.

3. Aim for a healthy weight. If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure. One way to determine if you need to lose weight is to find out your body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is above the healthy range (i.e., 25 or greater), or if your waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (women) or 40 inches (men) you probably have excess abdominal weight and you may benefit from weight loss especially if you have other risk factors. Talk to your doctor to see if you are at increased risk for high blood pressure and need to lose weight.

4. Increase your physical activity. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, most days of the week. You can do 30 minutes in three 10-minute segments.dr.sharib azmi

5. Choose foods low in salt and sodium. Most Americans should consume no more than 2.4 grams (2,400 milligrams) of sodium a day. That equals 6 grams, about one teaspoon of table salt a day. For someone with high blood pressure, the doctor may advise less.

6. Read nutrition labels. Almost all packaged foods contain sodium. Every time you prepare or eat a packaged food, know how much sodium is in one serving.

7. Keep a sodium diary. You may be surprised at how much sodium you consume each day and the diary will help you decide which foods to decrease or eliminate.

8. Use spices and herbs instead of salt to season the food you prepare at home.

9. Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods. dr.sharib azmi

10. If you consume alcohol at all, consume moderate amount or restrict...

Like Daily Health Tips <1. Make sure your blood pressure is under 140/90 mm Hg. If your systolic pressure (the top number) is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.

2. Take your high blood pressure medicine, if prescribed, every day. If you have questions, talk to your doctor.

3. Aim for a healthy weight. If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure. One way to determine if you need to lose weight is to find out your body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is above the healthy range (i.e., 25 or greater), or if your waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (women) or 40 inches (men) you probably have excess abdominal weight and you may benefit from weight loss especially if you have other risk factors. Talk to your doctor to see if you are at increased risk for high blood pressure and need to lose weight.

4. Increase your physical activity. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, most days of the week. You can do 30 minutes in three 10-minute segments.dr.sharib azmi

5. Choose foods low in salt and sodium. Most Americans should consume no more than 2.4 grams (2,400 milligrams) of sodium a day. That equals 6 grams, about one teaspoon of table salt a day. For someone with high blood pressure, the doctor may advise less.

6. Read nutrition labels. Almost all packaged foods contain sodium. Every time you prepare or eat a packaged food, know how much sodium is in one serving.

7. Keep a sodium diary. You may be surprised at how much sodium you consume each day and the diary will help you decide which foods to decrease or eliminate.

8. Use spices and herbs instead of salt to season the food you prepare at home.

9. Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods. dr.sharib azmi

10. If you consume alcohol at all, consume moderate amount or restrict...



Headache is one of the commonest aches that most people complain of. Headaches can happen to anyone irrespective of age and gender. Every time popping a painkiller is not a good idea. Hence try any of these home
remedies for headache next time you get the headache.

Before that remember following tips that will help you prevent getting a headache.

• Don't stay hungry for a long time, as hunger can also be one of the causes of having a headache.

• Take one spoonful of sugar and eat it when you have a headache. The sweet sugar taste will give you instant relief from your headache.

• Do Yoga to remain stress free. The various Yogic aasnas maintain correct blood circulation and prevent headaches from occurring.

• As much as you can avoid eating junk and fried food stuff.

• Take a good sleep, as it is must to have an overall balanced health.

• Include green vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

• If you have a headache then take a glass of milk.

• Yogurt should be avoided, especially at night.

• Don't eat cheese and chocolate in excess amount.

• Learn some deep breathing exercises and go for half an hour walk daily in some park where you will get pollution free air.

• The natural urges (sneezing, passing stool and urine, hunger, thirst, sleep, breathing and yawning etc.) should not be suppressed.

Home remedies for Headaches :

• Make a decoction from sugar and coriander and drink it whenever you get a headache due to cold.

• Make a paste with clove and salt crystals and add it in the milk. Drink this milk; this drink will relive the stress and the tension, which has caused you the headache.

• Make a paste with water and cinnamon powder and apply it on the head.

• Sometimes acidity can also be the cause of headaches. Hence for such types of headaches drink a glass of water with a fresh lemon juice added into it. This is one of the best home remedies for headache as it also cures acidity.

• Applying sandalwood paste on the forehead will give relief from headache. This remedy should be tried in case you have got a headache in summer due to the heat.

• Massage your head with coconut oil. This will help the blood circulation in the head thus give instant relief from headache.

• Drinking a cup of tea is the very old method of curing headaches. You can also add ginger and cumin and coriander seeds while making the tea.

• To cure headache massager you head with eucalyptus oil.

• After waking up in the morning, eat an apple with a pinch of sale added to it. After this drink either water or milk. Do this regime for about ten days. This remedy is good for those who get headaches often.

• Massage your forehead with almond oil for getting instant relief from the headaches.

• Drinking garlic juice early in the morning will also act as a painkiller and stop your headache within minutes.Headache is one of the commonest aches that most people complain of. Headaches can happen to anyone irrespective of age and gender. Every time popping a painkiller is not a good idea. Hence try any of these home
remedies for headache next time you get the headache.

Before that remember following tips that will help you prevent getting a headache.

• Don't stay hungry for a long time, as hunger can also be one of the causes of having a headache.

• Take one spoonful of sugar and eat it when you have a headache. The sweet sugar taste will give you instant relief from your headache.

• Do Yoga to remain stress free. The various Yogic aasnas maintain correct blood circulation and prevent headaches from occurring.

• As much as you can avoid eating junk and fried food stuff.

• Take a good sleep, as it is must to have an overall balanced health.

• Include green vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

• If you have a headache then take a glass of milk.

• Yogurt should be avoided, especially at night.

• Don't eat cheese and chocolate in excess amount.

• Learn some deep breathing exercises and go for half an hour walk daily in some park where you will get pollution free air.

• The natural urges (sneezing, passing stool and urine, hunger, thirst, sleep, breathing and yawning etc.) should not be suppressed.

Home remedies for Headaches :

• Make a decoction from sugar and coriander and drink it whenever you get a headache due to cold.

• Make a paste with clove and salt crystals and add it in the milk. Drink this milk; this drink will relive the stress and the tension, which has caused you the headache.

• Make a paste with water and cinnamon powder and apply it on the head.

• Sometimes acidity can also be the cause of headaches. Hence for such types of headaches drink a glass of water with a fresh lemon juice added into it. This is one of the best home remedies for headache as it also cures acidity.

• Applying sandalwood paste on the forehead will give relief from headache. This remedy should be tried in case you have got a headache in summer due to the heat.

• Massage your head with coconut oil. This will help the blood circulation in the head thus give instant relief from headache.

• Drinking a cup of tea is the very old method of curing headaches. You can also add ginger and cumin and coriander seeds while making the tea.

• To cure headache massager you head with eucalyptus oil.

• After waking up in the morning, eat an apple with a pinch of sale added to it. After this drink either water or milk. Do this regime for about ten days. This remedy is good for those who get headaches often.

• Massage your forehead with almond oil for getting instant relief from the headaches.

• Drinking garlic juice early in the morning will also act as a painkiller and stop your headache within minutes.




1. No Breakfast

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.

This leads to an insufficient

supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2 . Overeating=2 0

It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking

It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing

malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body. Inhaling polluted air

decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain


6 . Sleep Deprivation

Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate

the death of brain cells..

7. Head covered while sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide

and decrease concentration of

oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness


the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts

Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts

may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely

Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

1. No Breakfast

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.

This leads to an insufficient

supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2 . Overeating=2 0

It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking

It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing

malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body. Inhaling polluted air

decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain


6 . Sleep Deprivation

Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate

the death of brain cells..

7. Head covered while sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide

and decrease concentration of

oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness


the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts

Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts

may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely

Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

Health benefits of Tamarind

Photo: Health benefits of Tamarind !!
1. Encourages Digestive Health

2. Plentiful Source of Vitamin C

3. Rich Source of Antioxidants

4. Balances Cholesterol as well as Blood Sugar

5. Cures a Sore Throat

6. Healthy Skin

7. Improved Blood Sugar and Appetite Control

8. Improved Eye Health

9. Controlled Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

10. Works as Pain Killer1. Encourages Digestive Health

2. Plentiful Source of Vitamin C

3. Rich Source of Antioxidants

4. Balances Cholesterol as well as Blood Sugar

5. Cures a Sore Throat

6. Healthy Skin

7. Improved Blood Sugar and Appetite Control

8. Improved Eye Health

9. Controlled Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

                                                                              10. Works as Pain Killer

9 health benefits of eggs:

Photo: Please Share This.....
9 health benefits of eggs:
1. Improve Concentration
Good nutrition affects a child’s ability to learn. Research has shown that eating a balanced breakfast that include eggs can improve children:
• Concentration level
• Math and reading skills
• Attendance
• Behaviour
• Test scores
2. Maintain Healthy Weight
Eggs are the best source of complete protein which contain all essential amino acids for human body. They helps control the rate at which the body absorbs calories. When managing your weight, choose foods that provide the maximum amount of nutrition for the least amount of calories. Eggs are a great nutritional value for those trying to lose weight and maintain healthy weight.
3. Brain Development
Choline, a substance found in egg yolk, stimulating brain development and function. Since it necessary for brain development, but is not produced by our bodies in sufficient amount, a continuous new supply must be provided by our diet. Two large eggs provide the adult with the recommended daily intake of choline.
4. Improve Eyesight
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in egg yolk and are believed to help improve eyesight and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (leading cause of blindness in people over age 65 years) as well as the risk of cataracts.
5. Prevent Blood Clots
Eating eggs may help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by prevent blood clots. An important antioxidant called selenium found in eggs inhibit clot formation in a dose-dependent.
6. Healthy Pregnancy
Choline is an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250 milligrams of choline, or approximately half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant and lactating women.
7. Strengthen Bones
Egg is an important source of vitamin D, which is important in bone strengthening and improving immunity.
8. Maintain Healthy Hair and skin
Eggs contain protein and sulfur which together help in the promotion of healthy hair and skin.
9. Prevent Breast Cancer
A study found that women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week have 44% less risk of developing breast cancer
1. Improve Concentration
Good nutrition affects a child’s ability to learn. Research has shown that eating a balanced breakfast that include eggs can improve children:
• Concentration level
• Math and reading skills
• Attendance
• Behaviour
• Test scores
2. Maintain Healthy Weight
Eggs are the best source of complete protein which contain all essential amino acids for human body. They helps control the rate at which the body absorbs calories. When managing your weight, choose foods that provide the maximum amount of nutrition for the least amount of calories. Eggs are a great nutritional value for those trying to lose weight and maintain healthy weight.
3. Brain Development
Choline, a substance found in egg yolk, stimulating brain development and function. Since it necessary for brain development, but is not produced by our bodies in sufficient amount, a continuous new supply must be provided by our diet. Two large eggs provide the adult with the recommended daily intake of choline.
4. Improve Eyesight
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants found in egg yolk and are believed to help improve eyesight and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (leading cause of blindness in people over age 65 years) as well as the risk of cataracts.
5. Prevent Blood Clots
Eating eggs may help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by prevent blood clots. An important antioxidant called selenium found in eggs inhibit clot formation in a dose-dependent.
6. Healthy Pregnancy
Choline is an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250 milligrams of choline, or approximately half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant and lactating women.
7. Strengthen Bones
Egg is an important source of vitamin D, which is important in bone strengthening and improving immunity.
8. Maintain Healthy Hair and skin
Eggs contain protein and sulfur which together help in the promotion of healthy hair and skin.
9. Prevent Breast Cancer
A study found that women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week have 44% less risk of developing breast cancer

6 Reasons to Drink More Water

Photo: 6 Reasons to Drink More Water

1. Water boosts metabolism: Trying to lose weight? Drinking water can boost your body's ability to burn fat. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking water (about 17oz) increases metabolic rate by 30 percent in healthy men and women. The boost occurred within 10 minutes but reached a maximum 30-40 minutes after drinking.

2. Studies also suggest that drinking one or two glasses of water before a meal can fill you up so you naturally eat less, says Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD spokesperson for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Plus, even mild dehydration will slow down metabolism by as much as 3 percent. 2. It safeguards your heart: Speaking of essential for life…drinking a good amount of water could lower your risk of a heart attack. A six-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41 percent less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses. Bonus: Drinking all that water may reduce cancer risk as well. Research shows that staying hydrated can reduce risk of colon cancer by 45 percent, bladder cancer by 50 percent, and possibly reduce breast cancer risk too.

3. Water prevents headaches: The most debilitating kind as well: Migraines. In one study published in the journal Neurology, scientists recruited migraine sufferers and divided them into two groups: one took a placebo, the others were told to drink 1.5 liters of water (about six cups) in addition to their usual daily intake. At the end of two weeks, the water group had experienced 21 fewer hours of pain than those in the placebo group, as well as a decrease in pain intensity.

4. Water boosts your brainpower: Your brain needs a lot of oxygen to function at optimum levels, so drinking plenty of water ensures that it's getting all it needs. In fact, drinking eight to 10 cups of water per day can improve your levels of cognitive performance by as much as 30 percent. The door swings both ways: Research shows that a dehydration level of just 1 percent of your body weight reduces thinking functions, so staying well-hydrated is super important for your mental performance .

5. It makes you rich: Making water your go-to drink saves a lot of money in the long run. Even though 60 percent of the U.S. population buys bottled water , it's still cheaper, on average, than juices, sodas, and Starbucks- especially when you buy it by the case. What's even cheaper: buying a filter and drinking water out of the tap. To put it in perspective, replacing your daily can of soda at lunch with a free-from-the-tap glass of water (or water cooler if you have access to one) can save you about $180 a year.

6. It keeps you alert: Dehydration is the single most common cause of daytime fatigue , so if your afternoon slump is more like a desperate need for an afternoon nap, guzzle a glass of water. It can also make you better at your job, or at least prevent you from being bad at a it-just a two percent dehydration level can trigger short-term memory problems and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page.1. Water boosts metabolism: Trying to lose weight? Drinking water can boost your body's ability to burn fat. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that drinking water (about 17oz) increases metabolic rate by 30 percent in healthy men and women. The boost occurred within 10 minutes but reached a maximum 30-40 minutes after drinking.

2. Studies also suggest that drinking one or two glasses of water before a meal can fill you up so you naturally eat less, says Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD spokesperson for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Plus, even mild dehydration will slow down metabolism by as much as 3 percent. 2. It safeguards your heart: Speaking of essential for life…drinking a good amount of water could lower your risk of a heart attack. A six-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who drank more than five glasses of water a day were 41 percent less likely to die from a heart attack during the study period than those who drank less than two glasses. Bonus: Drinking all that water may reduce cancer risk as well. Research shows that staying hydrated can reduce risk of colon cancer by 45 percent, bladder cancer by 50 percent, and possibly reduce breast cancer risk too.

3. Water prevents headaches: The most debilitating kind as well: Migraines. In one study published in the journal Neurology, scientists recruited migraine sufferers and divided them into two groups: one took a placebo, the others were told to drink 1.5 liters of water (about six cups) in addition to their usual daily intake. At the end of two weeks, the water group had experienced 21 fewer hours of pain than those in the placebo group, as well as a decrease in pain intensity.

4. Water boosts your brainpower: Your brain needs a lot of oxygen to function at optimum levels, so drinking plenty of water ensures that it's getting all it needs. In fact, drinking eight to 10 cups of water per day can improve your levels of cognitive performance by as much as 30 percent. The door swings both ways: Research shows that a dehydration level of just 1 percent of your body weight reduces thinking functions, so staying well-hydrated is super important for your mental performance .

5. It makes you rich: Making water your go-to drink saves a lot of money in the long run. Even though 60 percent of the U.S. population buys bottled water , it's still cheaper, on average, than juices, sodas, and Starbucks- especially when you buy it by the case. What's even cheaper: buying a filter and drinking water out of the tap. To put it in perspective, replacing your daily can of soda at lunch with a free-from-the-tap glass of water (or water cooler if you have access to one) can save you about $180 a year.

6. It keeps you alert: Dehydration is the single most common cause of daytime fatigue , so if your afternoon slump is more like a desperate need for an afternoon nap, guzzle a glass of water. It can also make you better at your job, or at least prevent you from being bad at a it-just a two percent dehydration level can trigger short-term memory problems and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page.

Eggplant is good for type 2 diabetes

Photo: Eggplant is good for type 2 diabetes. Brinjal is high in fiber content and is low in carbohydrates. It also has phenols which help to control blood sugar levels in diabetes. This vegetable also has a very low glycemic index so makes it suitable for diabetics.

• Eggplant helps to maintain cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is the main cause of heart diseases so we can say that brinjal is a great food for preventing heart diseases.

• Eggplant cures insomnia. For this you have to take baked brinjal with honey at night.

• Eggplant is a very helpful vegetable for hypertensive persons as this is high in potassium and helps to lower the high blood pressure.

• Egg plant also contains antioxidant which helps to prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the body. These free radicals are the main cause of cancers as they cause accumulation of toxins in the body. So eggplant or brinjal is very beneficial for treating cancers.

• Eggplant contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3 which are required for the protein, fat and carbohydrates metabolism and for the overall health of the body.

• Brinjal is also beneficial for reducing enlargement of spleen which mainly occurs in malaria.

• Roasted Brinjal also helps in digestion and increases appetite. Brinjal also helps to treat flatulence.Eggplant is good for type 2 diabetes. Brinjal is high in fiber content and is low in carbohydrates. It also has phenols which help to control blood sugar levels in diabetes. This vegetable also has a very low glycemic index so makes it suitable for diabetics.

• Eggplant helps to maintain cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is the main cause of heart diseases so we can say that brinjal is a great food for preventing heart diseases.

• Eggplant cures insomnia. For this you have to take baked brinjal with honey at night.

• Eggplant is a very helpful vegetable for hypertensive persons as this is high in potassium and helps to lower the high blood pressure.

• Egg plant also contains antioxidant which helps to prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the body. These free radicals are the main cause of cancers as they cause accumulation of toxins in the body. So eggplant or brinjal is very beneficial for treating cancers.

• Eggplant contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3 which are required for the protein, fat and carbohydrates metabolism and for the overall health of the body.

• Brinjal is also beneficial for reducing enlargement of spleen which mainly occurs in malaria.

• Roasted Brinjal also helps in digestion and increases appetite. Brinjal also helps to treat flatulence.

Nutrition and Health Benefits of Eating Durian

Photo: Nutrition and Health Benefits of Eating Durian

• Durian is a strong blood cleanser and a powerful aphrodisiac.
• The roots and leaves of durian are used for preparing traditional medicines for curing fevers and jaundice.
• The decoction prepared from leaves and fruits, is helpful for treating swellings and skin diseases.
• The rind of durian is burned and the ash is consumed by women after childbirth.
• Due to the high levels of amino acid tryptophan, durian is known to alleviate anxiety, depression and insomnia.
• By raising levels of serotonin in the brain, it helps in creating feeling of happiness.
• It is highly useful in lowering cholesterol.
• It is a good muscle builder, due to its high content of soft protein.
• Durian is a good source of vitamin C that helps in developing resistance against infectious agents and scavenges harmful free radicals.
• It contains simple sugars like fructose and sucrose and some simple fats that replenish energy and revitalize the body instantly. Hence, durian is highly effective as a supplement food for underweight children.
• Apart from iron, lack of folate can also lead to a type of anemia called pernicious anemia. Durian, being a good source of folate, helps in producing normal red blood cells (RBC).
• Durian aids in regulating blood sugar level, due to its rich manganese content.
• By promoting a normal appetite, durian helps in producing hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thereby assisting in proper digestion of food.
• Packed with nutrients, durian helps in increasing energy, endurance, mental clarity and cellular health.
• It enhances libido, thereby revitalizing the desire for sexual intimacy.

• Durian fruit, when combined with alcohol, can trigger side effects such as strong gastro spasms and explosive flatulence.• Durian is a strong blood cleanser and a powerful aphrodisiac.
• The roots and leaves of durian are used for preparing traditional medicines for curing fevers and jaundice.
• The decoction prepared from leaves and fruits, is helpful for treating swellings and skin diseases.
• The rind of durian is burned and the ash is consumed by women after childbirth.
• Due to the high levels of amino acid tryptophan, durian is known to alleviate anxiety, depression and insomnia.
• By raising levels of serotonin in the brain, it helps in creating feeling of happiness.
• It is highly useful in lowering cholesterol.
• It is a good muscle builder, due to its high content of soft protein.
• Durian is a good source of vitamin C that helps in developing resistance against infectious agents and scavenges harmful free radicals.
• It contains simple sugars like fructose and sucrose and some simple fats that replenish energy and revitalize the body instantly. Hence, durian is highly effective as a supplement food for underweight children.
• Apart from iron, lack of folate can also lead to a type of anemia called pernicious anemia. Durian, being a good source of folate, helps in producing normal red blood cells (RBC).
• Durian aids in regulating blood sugar level, due to its rich manganese content.
• By promoting a normal appetite, durian helps in producing hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thereby assisting in proper digestion of food.
• Packed with nutrients, durian helps in increasing energy, endurance, mental clarity and cellular health.
• It enhances libido, thereby revitalizing the desire for sexual intimacy.

• Durian fruit, when combined with alcohol, can trigger side effects such as strong gastro spasms and explosive flatulence.

What is Foot Reflexology?

Photo: What is Foot Reflexology?

Foot Reflexology has become a well respected ADJUNCT to regular medical care. It is used in Hospitals, by Physical Therapists and Chiropractors to enhance MOST forms of medical treatments.

It is not a "miracle" or a "faith healing" type thing. Sometimes, like other therapies, it takes a few sessions.

Foot reflexology can help ease the pain of achy joints and muscles, relieve headaches and toothaches, improve the functioning of major systems of the body.

Foot Reflexology works by applying pressure at specific points on the bottom of the foot. This is not the same as acupressure or acupuncture.

In fact, the only thing that is the same is that medical science can't prove how it works...they just know it does!!

There are over 7,200 nerve endings at the bottom of each foot. Nerves connect to every organ, every limb and region of the body through the brain and spinal column. It is thought that foot reflexology works in much the same way. Even though we don't actually work the nerve endings, the correlation of the bottom of the feet to every region of the body definitely exists. It was originally called "The Zone" therapy in the early 20th century and was successfully organized into a comprehensive therapy by a physical therapist, Eunice Ingham in the '40s. She coined the term "reflexes" when referring to this therapy.

Foot reflexology can increase the blood flow to the part of the body being worked, which in turn increases the oxygen going to that part.

The increased blood flow helps take away toxins that build up in each cell of the body each day.

This brings more health and vitality to the region plus adds a sense of over-all well-being. When our feet feel good, we feel good!

Learn to do foot reflexology to help your family and friends feel better! Get help getting your body back to its' natural state of health by teaching your family to do foot reflexology on you!

Please realize that foot reflexology is NOT a substitute for medical treatment, you are always encouraged to seek professional medical help when needed, however, this therapy can be used in conjunction with most treatments for most conditions.

Please, if being treated by a medical professional, get that professional's permission before doing foot reflexology for that medical condition. Thanks.

Please Share :) —Foot Reflexology has become a well respected ADJUNCT to regular medical care. It is used in Hospitals, by Physical Therapists and Chiropractors to enhance MOST forms of medical treatments.

It is not a "miracle" or a "faith healing" type thing. Sometimes, like other therapies, it takes a few sessions.

Foot reflexology can help ease the pain of achy joints and muscles, relieve headaches and toothaches, improve the functioning of major systems of the body.

Foot Reflexology works by applying pressure at specific points on the bottom of the foot. This is not the same as acupressure or acupuncture.

In fact, the only thing that is the same is that medical science can't prove how it works...they just know it does!!

There are over 7,200 nerve endings at the bottom of each foot. Nerves connect to every organ, every limb and region of the body through the brain and spinal column. It is thought that foot reflexology works in much the same way. Even though we don't actually work the nerve endings, the correlation of the bottom of the feet to every region of the body definitely exists. It was originally called "The Zone" therapy in the early 20th century and was successfully organized into a comprehensive therapy by a physical therapist, Eunice Ingham in the '40s. She coined the term "reflexes" when referring to this therapy.

Foot reflexology can increase the blood flow to the part of the body being worked, which in turn increases the oxygen going to that part.

The increased blood flow helps take away toxins that build up in each cell of the body each day.

This brings more health and vitality to the region plus adds a sense of over-all well-being. When our feet feel good, we feel good!

Learn to do foot reflexology to help your family and friends feel better! Get help getting your body back to its' natural state of health by teaching your family to do foot reflexology on you!

Please realize that foot reflexology is NOT a substitute for medical treatment, you are always encouraged to seek professional medical help when needed, however, this therapy can be used in conjunction with most treatments for most conditions.

Please, if being treated by a medical professional, get that professional's permission before doing foot reflexology for that medical condition.



 A fellow juicer shared that he has been taking a tablet every night to control his blood sugar level. But, since he started juicing, he's been drinking this juice recipe every day. He's happy to say that after three weeks he could give up his tablet and his sugar level was stable. 

 ** Result may be different for different individuals.


 ½ cucumber- 
 1 green apple- 
 ½ bitter gourd- 
 2 ribs of celery- 
 ½ green capsicum (bell pepper)

 Please share here if fresh juices have helped you get off medicationA fellow juicer shared that he has been taking a tablet every night to control his blood sugar level. But, since he started juicing, he's been drinking this juice recipe every day. He's happy to say that after three weeks he could give up his tablet and his sugar level was stable.

** Result may be different for different individuals.


½ cucumber-
1 green apple-
½ bitter gourd-
2 ribs of celery-
½ green capsicum (bell pepper)

Please share here if fresh juices have helped you get off medication

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sweet potatoes


Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, beta carotene, complex carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B6, as well as carotene (the pink, yellow ones).

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, USA, compared the nutritional value of sweet potatoes to other vegetables. The sweet potato ranked number one, when vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, protein and complex carbohydrates were considered.Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, beta carotene, complex carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B6, as well as carotene (the pink, yellow ones).

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, USA, compared the nutritional value of sweet potatoes to other vegetables. The sweet potato ranked number one, when vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, protein and complex carbohydrates were considered.

Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables
Studies have shown that a high intake of dark-leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage may significantly lower a person's risk of developing diabetes type 2. Researchers from Leicester University, England, said that the impact of dark green vegetables on human health should be investigated further, after they gathered data from six studies.

Spinach, for example, is very rich in antioxidants, especially when uncooked, steamed or very lightly boiled. It is a good source of vitamins A, B6, C, E and K, as well as selenium, niacin, zinc, phosphorus, copper, folic acid, potassium, calcium, manganese, betaine, and ironStudies have shown that a high intake of dark-leafy vegetables, such as spinach or cabbage may significantly lower a person's risk of developing diabetes type 2. Researchers from Leicester University, England, said that the impact of dark green vegetables on human health should be investigated further, after they gathered data from six studies.

Spinach, for example, is very rich in antioxidants, especially when uncooked, steamed or very lightly boiled. It is a good source of vitamins A, B6, C, E and K, as well as selenium, niacin, zinc, phosphorus, copper, folic acid, potassium, calcium, manganese, betaine, and iron


Many people avoid avocados because of its high fat content; they believe that avoiding all fats leads to better health and easier-to-control body weight - this is a myth. Approximately 75% of the calories in an avocado come from fat; mostly monosaturated fat.

Weight-for-weight, avocadoes have 35% more potassium than bananas.

Avocados are also very rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamin K and vitamin E.

Avocados also have a very high fiber content of 25% soluble and 75% insoluble fiber.

Studies have shown that regular avocado consumption lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Avocado extracts are currently being studied in the laboratory to see whether they might be useful for treating diabetes or hypertension.

Researchers from Ohio State University found that nutrients taken from avocados were able to stop oral cancer cells, and even destroy some of the pre-cancerous cells.Many people avoid avocados because of its high fat content; they believe that avoiding all fats leads to better health and easier-to-control body weight - this is a myth. Approximately 75% of the calories in an avocado come from fat; mostly monosaturated fat.

Weight-for-weight, avocadoes have 35% more potassium than bananas.

Avocados are also very rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamin K and vitamin E.

Avocados also have a very high fiber content of 25% soluble and 75% insoluble fiber.

Studies have shown that regular avocado consumption lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Avocado extracts are currently being studied in the laboratory to see whether they might be useful for treating diabetes or hypertension.

Researchers from Ohio State University found that nutrients taken from avocados were able to stop oral cancer cells, and even destroy some of the pre-cancerous cells.


Oatmeal is meal made from rolled or ground oats, or porridge made from ground or rolled oats. In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the term "porridge" or "porridge oats" are common terms for the breakfast cereal that is usually cooked.

Interest in oatmeal has increased considerably over the last twenty years because of its health benefits.

Studies have shown that if you eat a bowl of oatmeal everyday your blood cholesterol levels, especially if they are too high, will drop, because of the cereal's soluble fiber content. When findings were published in the 1980s, an "oat bran craze" spread across the USA and Western Europe. The oats craze dropped off in the 1990s.

In 1997, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) agreed that foods with high levels of rolled oats or oat bran could include data on their labels about their cardiovascular heart benefits if accompanied with a low-fat diet. This was followed by another surge in oatmeal popularity.

Oats is rich in complex carbohydrates, as well as water-soluble fiber, which slow digestion down and stabilize levels of blood-glucose.

Oatmeal porridge is very rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium.Oatmeal is meal made from rolled or ground oats, or porridge made from ground or rolled oats. In the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the term "porridge" or "porridge oats" are common terms for the breakfast cereal that is usually cooked.

Interest in oatmeal has increased considerably over the last twenty years because of its health benefits.

Studies have shown that if you eat a bowl of oatmeal everyday your blood cholesterol levels, especially if they are too high, will drop, because of the cereal's soluble fiber content. When findings were published in the 1980s, an "oat bran craze" spread across the USA and Western Europe. The oats craze dropped off in the 1990s.

In 1997, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) agreed that foods with high levels of rolled oats or oat bran could include data on their labels about their cardiovascular heart benefits if accompanied with a low-fat diet. This was followed by another surge in oatmeal popularity.

Oats is rich in complex carbohydrates, as well as water-soluble fiber, which slow digestion down and stabilize levels of blood-glucose.

Oatmeal porridge is very rich in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium.

weight loss

Photo: weight loss
Whether you are trying to lose 5 pounds or more than 50, the same principles determine how much weight you lose and how fast your weight loss will occur. Remembering the following simple guidelines and putting them into practice can lead to weight loss without the aid of any special diet plans, books, or medications.

Our body weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, you are probably taking in the same amount of calories that you burn each day. If you're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities.

Everyone is in control of the amount of food he or she consumes each day, so our intake of calories is something we can control. To a major degree, we can also control our output of energy, or the number of calories we burn each day. The number of calories we burn each day is dependent upon

    our basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories we burn per hour simply by being alive and maintaining body functions
    and our level of physical activity.

For some people, due to genetic (inherited) factors or other conditions, the resting metabolic rate (BMR) can be slightly higher or lower than average. Our weight also plays a role in determining how many calories we burn at rest -- the more calories are required to maintain your body in its present state, the greater your body weight. A 100-pound person requires less energy (food) to maintain body weight than a person who weighs 200 pounds.

Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need each day. Someone whose job involves heavy physical labor will naturally burn more calories in a day than someone who sits at a desk most of the day (a sedentary job). For people who do not have jobs that require intense physical activity, exercise or increased physical activity can increase the number of calories burned.

As a rough estimate, an average woman 31-50 years of age who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1,800 calories per day to maintain a normal weight. A man of the same age requires about 2,200 calories. Participating in a moderate level of physical activity (exercising three to five days per week) requires about 200 additional calories per day.Whether you are trying to lose 5 pounds or more than 50, the same principles determine how much weight you lose and how fast your weight loss will occur. Remembering the followingsimple guidelines and putting them into practice can lead to weight loss without the aid of any special diet plans, books, or medications.

Our body weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, you are probably taking in the same amount of calories that you burn each day. If you're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities.

Everyone is in control of the amount of food he or she consumes each day, so our intake of calories is something we can control. To a major degree, we can also control our output of energy, or the number of calories we burn each day. The number of calories we burn each day is dependent upon

our basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories we burn per hour simply by being alive and maintaining body functions
and our level of physical activity.

For some people, due to genetic (inherited) factors or other conditions, the resting metabolic rate (BMR) can be slightly higher or lower than average. Our weight also plays a role in determining how many calories we burn at rest -- the more calories are required to maintain your body in its present state, the greater your body weight. A 100-pound person requires less energy (food) to maintain body weight than a person who weighs 200 pounds.

Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need each day. Someone whose job involves heavy physical labor will naturally burn more calories in a day than someone who sits at a desk most of the day (a sedentary job). For people who do not have jobs that require intense physical activity, exercise or increased physical activity can increase the number of calories burned.

As a rough estimate, an average woman 31-50 years of age who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1,800 calories per day to maintain a normal weight. A man of the same age requires about 2,200 calories. Participating in a moderate level of physical activity (exercising three to five days per week) requires about 200 additional calories per day.

How do you lose weight?

Photo: How do you lose weight?

The most effective method for weight loss is reducing the number of calories you consume while increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. To lose 1 pound, you need an expenditure of approximately 3,500 calories. You can achieve this either by cutting back on your food intake, by increasing physical activity, or ideally, by doing both.

For example, if you consume 500 extra calories per day for one week without changing your activity level, you will gain 1 pound in weight (seven days multiplied by 500 calories equals 3,500 calories, or the number of calories resulting in a 1-pound weight gain). Likewise, if you eat 500 fewer calories each day for a week or burn 500 calories per day through exercise for one week, you will lose 1 pound.

Examples of calorie content of some popular foods and beverages include the following:

    one slice of original-style crust pepperoni pizza - 230 calories
    one glass of dry white wine - 160 calories
    one can of cola - 150 calories
    one quarter-pound hamburger with cheese - 500 calories
    one jumbo banana nut muffin - 580 calories

Any activities you do throughout the day are added to your BMR (basal metabolic rate) to determine the total number of calories you burn each day. For example, a 170-pound person who spends 45 minutes walking briskly will burn about 300 calories. The same time spent on housecleaning burns about 200 calories, and mowing the lawn for 45 minutes consumes around 275 calories. For more, please read the Calories Burned During Fitness Activities article.The most effective method for weight loss is reducing the number of calories you consume while increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. To lose 1 pound, you need an expenditure of approximately 3,500 calories. You can achieve this either by cutting back on your food intake, by increasing physical activity, or ideally, by doing both.

For example, if you consume 500 extra calories per day for one week without changing your activity level, you will gain 1 pound in weight (seven days multiplied by 500 calories equals 3,500 calories, or the number of calories resulting in a 1-pound weight gain). Likewise, if you eat 500 fewer calories each day for a week or burn 500 calories per day through exercise for one week, you will lose 1 pound.

Examples of calorie content of some popular foods and beverages include the following:

one slice of original-style crust pepperoni pizza - 230 calories
one glass of dry white wine - 160 calories
one can of cola - 150 calories
one quarter-pound hamburger with cheese - 500 calories
one jumbo banana nut muffin - 580 calories

Any activities you do throughout the day are added to your BMR (basal metabolic rate) to determine the total number of calories you burn each day. For example, a 170-pound person who spends 45 minutes walking briskly will burn about 300 calories. The same time spent on housecleaning burns about 200 calories, and mowing the lawn for 45 minutes consumes around 275 calories. For more, please read the Calories Burned During Fitness Activities article.

7 tips for successful weight loss

Photo: 7 tips for successful weight loss
 The desire to lose weight must come from the individual. If you're truly ambivalent about making changes in your lifestyle or are doing this to please someone else, you're likely to fail. When making changes, decide what's right for your lifestyle. Your best friend's diet and exercise plan may be completely wrong for your habits and interests. The key is to find a system that works for you.

    Don't blame yourself if you aren't perfect. If you once fail at your attempt to curtail your overeating, it doesn't mean you are a failure at weight control and that you should just give up. Accept that you made a poor choice, but don't let that poor choice influence the rest of your plan. The same holds true with exercise. Skipping a few workouts doesn't mean you can't get back on track. Weight control does not involve making perfect choices all the time, rather it's about attempting to make good choices more often than poor ones.

    Avoid surroundings where you know you're tempted to make poor food choices. Everyone has a time when we're most likely to overeat, whether it's the morning coffee break or after-work gathering with friends. Try to plan other activities or distractions for those times, or plan in advance how you're going to handle them and stick to it.

    Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. Even our good friends can knowingly or unknowingly sabotage weight-loss attempts. Spend time with those people who will not pressure you to make poor food choices.

    Decide on some nonfood rewards for yourself when you reach interim goals. For examples, at the end of the first week of healthy eating or after the first 5 pounds lost, buy yourself a new DVD or book.

    Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. Get rid of the high-calorie, low-nutrition snacks like chips and candy. But don't forget to have plenty of healthier options available as well, such as popcorn (hold the butter, try Parmesan cheese sprinkles), low-fat cheese and yogurt, fruit, instant cocoa without added sugar, sugar-free popsicles or puddings, or whatever appeals to you when you're hungry for a snack.

    Set small goals and focus on these rather than the "big picture." Decide where you want to be in a week or in a month, rather than focusing on the total amount of weight you'd like to lose.The desire to lose weight must come from the individual. If you're truly ambivalent about making changes in your lifestyle or are doing this to please someone else, you're likely to fail. When making changes, decide what's right for your lifestyle. Your best friend's diet and exercise plan may be completely wrong for your habits and interests. The key is to find a system that works for you.

Don't blame yourself if you aren't perfect. If you once fail at your attempt to curtail your overeating, it doesn't mean you are a failure at weight control and that you should just give up. Accept that you made a poor choice, but don't let that poor choice influence the rest of your plan. The same holds true with exercise. Skipping a few workouts doesn't mean you can't get back on track. Weight control does not involve making perfect choices all the time, rather it's about attempting to make good choices more often than poor ones.

Avoid surroundings where you know you're tempted to make poor food choices. Everyone has a time when we're most likely to overeat, whether it's the morning coffee break or after-work gathering with friends. Try to plan other activities or distractions for those times, or plan in advance how you're going to handle them and stick to it.

Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. Even our good friends can knowingly or unknowingly sabotage weight-loss attempts. Spend time with those people who will not pressure you to make poor food choices.

Decide on some nonfood rewards for yourself when you reach interim goals. For examples, at the end of the first week of healthy eating or after the first 5 pounds lost, buy yourself a new DVD or book.

Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. Get rid of the high-calorie, low-nutrition snacks like chips and candy. But don't forget to have plenty of healthier options available as well, such as popcorn (hold the butter, try Parmesan cheese sprinkles), low-fat cheese and yogurt, fruit, instant cocoa without added sugar, sugar-free popsicles or puddings, or whatever appeals to you when you're hungry for a snack.

Set small goals and focus on these rather than the "big picture." Decide where you want to be in a week or in a month, rather than focusing on the total amount of weight you'd like to lose.

Yerba buena, herbal medicine - Health Benefits

Yerba buena is also know for its medicinal properties. Yerba buena is used as herbal medicine for the treatment of many ailments which has been traditionally used since ancient times. 

Studies have shown that Yerba buena contains pulegone, menthol, menthene, menthenone and limonene.

Common Health benefits from Yerba buena are as follows:

Yerba Buena tea used as body pain reliever . Good for headache, stomach ache and tooth ache.

Yerba Buena poultice used for Rheumatism, arthritis and headache – crush the fresh leaves squeeze sap. Massage sap on painful parts with eucalyptus.

Yerba Buena tea for cough and colds –. Drink as tea. Acts as an expectorant.

Yerba Buena as mouth wash for swollen gums and tooth aches – steep 6 grams of fresh plant in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Use solution as gargle.

Yerba Buena tea for menstrual and gas pain –. Drink infusion. It induces menstrual flow and sweating.

Yerba Buena minty scent for nausea and fainting – crush leaves and apply at nostrils of patients.

Yerba Buena leaves for Insect bites – crush leaves and apply juice on affected part or pound leaves until paste-like. Then rub this on affected part.

5 Weight Loss Foods That You'd Never Expect to Lose Weight Eating...

Think the only foods that induce weight loss are lettuce and carrots? Think again! A nutritious and healthy diet can include favorites like steak and cheese IF you eat the right kinds in the right portions. Best of all, these foods can be found in any grocery store. Try adding these 5 different foods to spice up your daily diet and kick-start your weight loss.

1. Cherries
This colorful summer treat is rich in anthocyanin’s, which boost fat-fighting enzymes that help oxidize fat in the body. Fresh cherries also help the body utilize glucose which can help ward off muscle pain after exercise. Delicious and easy to pack, they’re a perfect summer super food.

2. Parmesan Cheese

What cheese only adds 22 calories and 1 gram of fat per tablespoon? Just parmesan! It’s great for weight management, has more calcium than any other cheese, and it’s also packed with protein, both of which help the body metabolize fat. It’s also a low-lactose food, so some people who are sensitive to dairy may be able to eat it.

3. Steak

If you need protein just look to the grill. A serving of steak has 21 grams of protein, which is enough to cover your daily intake. Why do you need protein? It’s the key nutrient to building the muscles that burn your calories. High-protein diets have been found to trigger improved satiety along with increased calorie and fat burning according to research review by the Harvard School of Public Health. Stick to a 3oz serving, about the size of a deck of cards.

4. Pumpkin Seeds

An ounce of these great big seeds are FILLED with fiber, good heart-healthy fats, and pack more protein than a cup of yogurt. They also have magnesium, which research shows can help prevent and alleviate headaches by relaxing blood vessels in the brain. Bag a small handful for a great afternoon snack that will keep you satiated.

5. Sardines

These tiny fishes have big health benefits! They are full of vitamin D, omega 3′s and protein; all of which help the body burn off fat. And according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a 3 oz. serving of sardines has just as much calcium as a glass of milk! Try adding some sardines to a salad with a squirt of lemon.

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

Start the day out with a mug of warm water and the juice of half a lemon.
It's so simple and the benefits are just too good to ignore. Warm water with lemon:
1. Boosts you're immune system
Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure.
2. Balances pH
Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not createacidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.
3. Helps with weight loss
Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.
4. Aids digestion
The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsisę¢©he waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.
5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic
Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.
6. Clears skin
The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well.
7. Hydrates the lymph system —